You can Make it from here

Psalm 34:8

The Book Series| 10 AM
The Worship Experience | 11 AM

Classes | 7 PM

Connect Groups
(Replaces Wednesday nights during these semesters)


1011 E. Old Hickory Blvd.
Madison (Nashville), TN 37115

Latest Sermon

Find strength, encouragement and knowledge as you engage with our sermons and teaching series.  

 LAST monday Prayer

The last Monday of each month!
5 - 7 PM | Come and Go Prayer
6:30 | Family Prayer
Your needs and prayer requests matter to us. 
Let us know how to pray for you

About Us

Get to know more about what makes us different.

The Turning Point is a multicultural, dynamic church located in North Nashville, Tennessee.  No matter who you are or what you are facing, we know that You Can Make It From Here!  Our desire is that your family will become our family. 
 Connect to God through worship and the Bible and connect to others through fellowship and small groups.  

Faces You'll See

We would love you to be a part of our family!  
Our purpose is that our church would sound, feel and look like heaven from Revelation 5:9.  Every nation, kindred and tongue worshipping God! 

Connect Groups

You can fellowship and grow during the semester-based home Bible study groups that take place throughout North Nashville.  With the support of a church family you can make it from here!

We'd Love to see you

You can find fellowship and connection here!  We would love to see you at any of our upcoming events!